
Radio commander mission 3
Radio commander mission 3

radio commander mission 3

Destroy enemy materiel or installations.Capture or destroy specific enemy command and control locations.

radio commander mission 3

Capture prisoners, installations, and/or enemy materiel.The Infantry platoon and squad conducts raids as part of a larger force to accomplish a number of missions, including the following. A raid is not intended to hold territory and it requires detailed intelligence, preparation, and planning. RAIDĢ-328.Ě raid is a limited-objective, deliberate operation entailing swift penetration of hostile terrain. As in the demonstration, leader use feints in conjunction with other military deception activities. Forces conducting a feint seek direct fire contact with the enemy but avoid decisive engagement. FEINTSĢ-327.Ě feint is an attack used to deceive the enemy as to the location or time of the actual decisive operation. It is similar to a feint, but no actual contact with the threat is intended. In military deception, a demonstration is a show of force in an area where a decision is not sought but made to deceive a threat. Once committed, the counterattack force conducts the decisive operation. Careful consideration is given to the event triggering the counterattack. All counterattacks should be rehearsed in the same conditions they will be conducted.

radio commander mission 3

To be decisive, the counterattack occurs when the enemy is overextended, dispersed, and disorganized during his attack. Once launched, the counterattack normally becomes a decisive operation for the leader conducting the counterattack.Ģ-325. It can be an assault by fire into an engagement area to defeat or destroy an enemy force, restore the original position, or block an enemy penetration. A counterattacking force maneuvers to isolate and destroy a designated enemy force. A unit conducts a counterattack to seize the initiative from the enemy through offensive action. The leader directs a counterattack normally conducted from a defensive posture, to defeat or destroy enemy forces, exploit an enemy weakness such as an exposed flank, or to regain control of terrain and facilities after an enemy success. The general objective is to deny the enemy his goal in attacking. (Refer to chapter 6 this publication for detailed discussion.) COUNTERATTACKĢ-324.Ě counterattack is an attack by part or all of a defending force against an enemy attacking force, for such specific purposes as regaining ground lost or cutting off or destroying enemy advance units. It secures the objective rally point ( ORP) and blocks enemy avenues of approach into and out of the ambush site, which prevents the enemy from entering or leaving. The security element isolates the kill zone, provides early warning of arrival of all enemy relief forces, and provides security for the assault and support elements. The support element attempts to destroy the majority of enemy combat power before the assault element moves into the objective or kill zone. The support element supports the assault element by firing into and around the kill zone, and it provides the ambush’s primary killing power.

radio commander mission 3

It also may be assigned additional tasks, to include searching for items of intelligence value, capturing prisoners, photographing new types of equipment and when unable to take enemy equipment, completing the destruction of enemy equipment to avoid its immediate reuse. When used, the assault force attacks into and clears the kill zone. The assault element fires into the kill zone. Your browser does not support the video tag.Ģ-323.Ě typical ambush is organized into three elements: assault, support, and security.

Radio commander mission 3